This is a turn-based wizard game, built for CSI3370. The game is built using the Unity Game Engine, and is single-player.


There are four parts to the game. The "Story" phase, "Spell Selection" phase, the "Defense Minigame" phase, and the "Attack Minigame" phase.


As soon as you enter the text-based story mode, you can enter four commands, depending on the room you are in.

  • Go North
  • Go East
  • Go South
  • Go West

Ultimately, your goal is to find a special room where you can proceed to the next phase. When you enter this room, you'll know how to continue.

Spell Selection

1. The player is presented with a list of spells with different types and levels.

2. Players will pick spells one after another.

3. If they select different ones the round begins.

4. If they select the same one then there is a dice guessing minigame.

5. Guess 1-6, whoever guesses the right one gets the spell.

Defense Minigame

1. Play No-Tac-Toe, Do not get three in a row.

2. Whoever wins the game get a boost to their health for the next game.

Attack Minigame

1. Rock paper scissors but with ice fire and lightning. Ice beats Lightning, Lightning beats Fire, and Fire beats Ice.

2. If both players play the same element the one with the higher rating wins.

Good luck!


Chaos of Sorcery Windows.7z 37 MB
Chaos of Sorcery 37 MB

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